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  1. Def LeppardLet’s Get RockedAdrenalize 1992
  2. Guns N’ Roses – Rocket QueenAppetite for Destruction 1987
  3. Faster PussycatBabylonFaster Pussycat 1987
  4. Phil Collen Interview
  5. Def LeppardPhotographPyromania 1983
  6. TeslaLady LuckThe Great Radio Controversy 1989
  7. Def Leppard feat. Tim McGraw – Nine LivesSongs From The Sparkle Lounge 2008
  8. Girl – Hollywood TeaseSheer Greed 1980
  9. ManRazeTurn It UpSurreal 2008
  10. ManRazeHaloSurreal 2008
  11. Skid RowSweet Little SisterSkid Row 1989
  12. MetallicaFor Whom The Bell TollsRide The Lightning 1984
  13. Def Leppard – Pour Some Sugar On MeHysteria 1987

Def Leppard Albums

And More Albums by Def Lepprd