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  1. ScorpionsDynamiteBlackout 1982
  2. HelixHeavy Metal LoveNo Rest For The Wicked 1983
  3. BulletBoysSmooth Up In YaBulletBoys 1988
  4. Quiet RiotCum On Feel The NoizeMetal Health 1983
  5. Van HalenHot For Teacher1984 1983
  6. Kevin Estrada Interview Part 1
  7. W.A.S.P. – I Wanna Be SomebodyW.A.S.P. 1984
  8. Kevin Estrada Interview Part 2
  9. Van HalenOn FireVan Halen 1978
  10. Kevin Estrada Interview Part 3
  11. Mötley Crüe – Raise Your Hands To RockTheatre Of Pain 1985