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  1. CinderellaLong Cold WinterLong Cold Winter 1988
  2. The OutfieldYour LovePlay Deep 1985
  3. Led ZeppelinThe RoverPhysical Graffiti 1975
  4. AerosmithNo More No MoreToys In The Attic 1975
  5. KISS – Black DiamondKISS Alive 1975
  6. Rolling StonesAnybody Seen My Baby?Bridges To Babylon 1997
  7. Faith No MoreMid Life CrisisAngel Dust 1992
  8. Def LeppardPhotographPyromania 1983
  9. WingerTime To SurrenderWinger 1988
  10. Alice In ChainsNo ExcusesJar Of Flies 1994
  11. Enuff Z-NuffHappy HolidayPeach Fuzz 1996
  12. Kingdom ComeLiving Out Of TouchKingdom Come 1988
  13. David BowieCat People (Putting Out Fire)Let’s Dance 1983
  14. Jack RussellShelter MeShelter Me
  15. WhitesnakeFool For Your Lovin’Ready And Willing 1980
  16. Black SabbathSnowblindBlack Sabbath Vol. 4 1972
  17. April WineRollerFirst Glance 1978
  18. Fleetwood Mac – RhiannonFleetwood Mac 1975
  19. David Lee RothYankee RoseEat ‘Em And Smile 1986
  20. Great WhiteSilent NightCan’t Get There From Here 1999
  21. Jefferson StarshipJaneFreedom At Point Zero 1979
  22. John WaiteEncircled – ??
  23. Deep PurpleSail AwayBurn 1974
  24. RainbowStone ColdStraight Between The Eyes 1982